Dear Ms. Scales,
I disagree with your decision on going to war with Mercia. I believe that there should, and are other ways of resolving this conflict other than going to war. What I think should be done is, you being the president of Istari, should get together with the president of Mercia and talk about your problems, maybe in doing so you will come up with a possible solution. War is not the answer to your problems since it is just causing conflicts with every other nation. I hopr you listen and come to peaceful conclusions.
Mr. Gonzalez
I disagree with your decision on going to war with Mercia. I believe that there should, and are other ways of resolving this conflict other than going to war. What I think should be done is, you being the president of Istari, should get together with the president of Mercia and talk about your problems, maybe in doing so you will come up with a possible solution. War is not the answer to your problems since it is just causing conflicts with every other nation. I hopr you listen and come to peaceful conclusions.
Mr. Gonzalez